How to Prevent Damage to a Leather Car Seat

How to Prevent Damage to a Leather Car Seat

Because the driver’s and passenger seats in your vehicle might be vulnerable to (or damaged by) preventable hazards, you owe it to yourself to find the best way to resolve the troubling issue.

Have you parked your car in the sun for long periods at a time? Have you ever unknowingly left a window of a parked car open during a heavy rain storm? Have your designer jeans with sharp ornaments inadvertently rip or tore your car seat? If you have answered yes to any or all of these questions, there is hope: you can find a viable solution to your problem.

It does not matter what type of hazard caused the damage to any seat in your car, finding a viable solution to protect a damaged leather car seat ought to be your top priority in keeping it protected and in good condition.

Because many car seats are not properly protected or well-maintained, three common types of hazards have most often wreak havoc on many unprotected and poorly maintained car seats: UV rays damage, water damage, and almost any sharp object that mercilessly rips or tears an unprotected car seat.

Some online automobile accessory companies sell many types of custom car seat covers with which you can enhance or repair a damaged leather car seat; others sell specific repair kits for any car seat based on the year, make and model of your car.

With various ways to repair a damaged leather car seat, finding the best solution that is right for your car seat repair project has never been easier! Some of the top three materials, of which many car seat covers are made, have been used by car manufacturers for years: leather, Neoprene, and vinyl.

However, neoprene is one of the best materials is durable enough to keep your car seat looking fresh and good, and the incredible and long-lasting durability of neoprene is what makes the wetsuit-like material one of the perfect types of car seat covers.

Here Are the Top 5 Tips for Preventing Damage to a Leather Seat:

1. Avoid Any Type of Moisture:

From leaving your car window open during rainy weather to accidentally spilling coffee, any moisture or type of water exposure will eventually damage your car seats. Therefore, it is incumbent upon you to prevent any type of moisture from damaging your car seats: close your car windows closed during any rain storm, use anti-spill coffee mugs, and advise any passenger to avoid spilling his or her drinks onto your car seats, etc.

2. Block Intense Sun Rays:

On sunny days, it is imperative that you use window shields or screens after you park your vehicle somewhere. Long exposure to direct sunlight will wreak havoc on your car seats.

3. Avoid Contacting Your Car Seats with Sharp Objects:

Since hazards like sharp tools and luggage with sharp edges will damage your car seats, place any item with a sharp edge in your trunk instead. And, avoid wearing any clothing like a pair of studded jeans or a spiked biker jacket with embedded ornaments that are sharp. Be mindful of what you and your passenger wear before entering your vehicle.

4. Use Neoprene Seat Covers:

Using seat covers made of a durable material like neoprene that prevents the aforementioned types of damage to the car seat. Remember, the most common causes of damage to your car seat that you may have experienced: sun damage, rips or tears caused by sharp objects, and water damage.

If you ever experienced any damage to your car seats, consider purchasing a repair kit. Protecting your car seats and keeping them looking good adds value to your vehicle. And you feel more proud to own and drive your car wherever you go.

For more information about protecting the seats of you car, visit our website or call us at 888-246-5653.

How to Prevent Damage to a Leather Car Seat

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