Remove a Coffee Stain From Your Car's SeatHow to Remove a Coffee Stain From Your Car’s Seat


We’ve all been there; you’re in a rush to work and as you go to set your coffee back in its cup holder, your tire find its way into the one pothole in the road causing you to miss the cup holder and spill your coffee all over your seat. The best way to remove the coffee stain is to act fast.


Pull Over


Please do not skip this step. Your ability to thoroughly clean a coffee stain and drive during rush hour is not great, no matter how great of a multi-tasker you are.


Dab and Soak


The first thing you want to do is grab either napkins, a towel, rag, or paper towel and start dabbing the liquid. Your goal is to soak up as much as your can to avoid deeper and larger staining. Soak up as much liquid as possible by blotting and dabbing.


Remove Any Grounds


If you happen to have some coffee grounds on the seat, gently wipe those away. You don’t want these ingraining themselves in your seat’s upholstery.


Use a Water Mixture to Clean


You have a couple of options here including using a mixture of water, dishwashing soap, and vinegar. This mixture when rubbed on the stain will help to remove any coffee that may have soaked in. Alternatively if you have baking soda you can apply this to the stain and allow to sit found about 30 minutes. The baking soda will help to absorb some the liquid out of the upholstery.


Rinse and Blot


You’re almost done! Now it’s time for you to rinse away your vinegar/soap mixture. After you’ve rinsed away the mixture with clean water, you’ll want to blot away the water you just used so that it doesn’t soak into the seat. If you used baking soda, wipe away as much of the powder as you can before using clean water.




Finally you’ll want to dry the area. Blotting will help absorb most of the water but there will still be some residual water in the seat’s material. Use a blowdryer to fully dry the damp area.


For more information about protecting the seats of your car, visit our website or call us at 888-246-5653.

How to Remove a Coffee Stain From Your Car’s Seat

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