Tips for Buying a New Car There are several tips for buying a new car that you might not be aware of. Obviously you’ll want to do your research up front, checking out prices and specs online, but when you
Great Gifts for Car Enthusiasts 2019
Great Gifts for Car Enthusiasts 2019 Christmas shopping for the car enthusiast in your life poses challenges. You want a mixture of choices that are practical and fun. Here is a list (mixed with practical and fun choices) of gifts
What to Carry in Your Car During the Winter Months
What to Carry in Your Car During the Winter Months As the seasons change and you pull out different clothing to prepare for colder temperatures, it is important to also look at what you carry in your car during winter.
How to Drive Through Hydroplaning
How to Drive Through Hydroplaning While most drivers have had experience driving through heavy rain, most people don’t think much of the risks and drive as normal. Driving as normal, especially during the beginning of a heavy rainfall, can easily
How to Conserve Gas Driving on the Highway
Americans are more conscious about the environment and pollution more than ever. Many are buying electric vehicles, hybrids, and turning to solar power for their homes. In many states, like Vermont, most of the energy is being made from renewable
Driving Tips for the Rainy Season
We’re just about to point in the year when we can expect a lot of rain. After rough winter months the warmer weather can be quite welcome however it does come with some perils when driving. Heavy rain and flash